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Curriculum Vitae

Anthon R.H.H.A. Schröder

Neue Bergstraße 9

86899 Landsberg am Lech

Bayern (German) (English)

Academic Qualifications

Baccalaureus of Science (B.Sc) in Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry and Human Physiology,

University of Stellenbosch, South Africa (1983)

Baccalaureus of Medicine and Baccalaureus of Surgery (M.B.Ch.B) (Cum Laude Internal Medicine)

University of Stellenbosch, South Africa (1988)


Additional Qualifications

Certificate as Ego State Therapist

Certificate as Ego State Supervisor

Certificate as Somatic ExperiencingⓇ Practitioner (International)

Gut-directed Hypnotherapy

FODMAP Diet (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)


Professional Memberships

Approbation als Arzt, Deutschland (BLAEK)

Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA)

Medical and Dental Council of Namibia

European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)

Member of Ego State Therapy International

Member and Supervisor for Ego State Therapy Germany and South Africa

Member of Somatic Experiencing Germany

Member of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH)

Employment History

November 2020 - to date

Own practice as therapist specialising in Gut-directed Hypnotherapy, Ego State Therapy and Somatic Experiencing in Landsberg am Lech, Germany, as well as on-line.

Jan 2016 - March 2020

Worked as a therapist for Ego State Therapy, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and Somatic Experiencing Therapy, in Namibia, South Africa and Germany.

A member of the team at the Milton Erickson Institute, Rottweil, Germany.

Three months each year were spent travelling through Namibia to perform Occupational Health Care examinations at tourism facilities.

March1993 - Dec 2015

General Practitioner in own private practice in Windhoek, Namibia.

Jan 1992 - Feb 1993

Medical Officer at Windhoek Central Hospital, Namibia (Orthopaedics)

March 1990 - Dec 1991

Medical Officer at Conradie Hospital, Pinelands, Cape Town, South Africa. Spinal Cord Injuries Unit.

Jan 1989 - Feb 1990

Houseman at Windhoek Central Hospital, Namibia.


Practice Experience

As general practitioner in Namibia you have to deal with all modalities of medicine, from paediatrics to orthopaedics, internal medicine, psychiatry, occupational health etc.


Fields of Special Interest and Expertise

General family medicine

Treatment of Psychosomatic illnesses and trauma with Ego State Therapy, Ericksonian Hypnotherapyand Somatic Experiencing

Allergology and paediatric allergy

Tropical disease

Spinal cord injuries, rehabilitation medicine

Occupational health and safety

Assistant for Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Opitz 1993-2009 (Large Joint surgery)

Assistant for Spinal Surgeon Dr. A. van der Horst (2013-2017)

Occupational Health for hotels and lodges in Namibia

In addition the following positions were held while in private practice 

Head of the Spinal Unit at Windhoek CentralHospital, performing weekly sessions (1992 - 2009)

Company doctor for MeatCo Abattoir (1993 – 2015)

Company doctor for Taleni Africa Lodges (1995 – to date) 

Company doctor for Gondwana Group of Lodges (2015 - 2018)

Official doctor for the European Union Commission in Namibia (2002 – 2015)

Official doctor for the German Embassy in Namibia (1993 – 2015)

Official doctor for the Spanish Embassy in Namibia (1998 – 2015)

Member of the Clinical Committee of the Medicine’s Control Council of Namibia (1996 - 2015)

Member of the Medical Tribunal of Trans Namib Holdings, Roads Authority of Namibia, as well as the Roads Contractor’s Company of Namibia (1995 - 2015)

Advisor and expert witness for various legal practitioners regarding disability cases in the High Court of Namibia.

Official doctor for the German Military Advisory Group in Namibia (1995 - 2015)

Official doctor for Swiss nationals in Namibia.

Company doctor for Nampower (1995 - 2006)

Official doctor for the US Peace Corps. (1996 - 1999)

Official doctor for the Italian Embassy, until the closure of the embassy in 2007

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